So many limits!
If we could only SEE........!!
Oh the things,
the sights, the sounds,
the smells, the feelings.....
And why only these senses?
What if we had other senses too?
Ones my tiny imagination
dares not even hope for,
cannot even formulate....
the limits, Lord,
I cannot comprehend
the vastness of our galaxy,
(Or even our planet
for that matter)
let alone any other galaxies
and universe that might exist.
There’s just so much, Lord,
and my knowledge is so puny
by comparison
that it’s less than the tiniest
thing I can imagine.
How can I ever hope
to understand You,
to know You,
to try to put You in a little box labelled
“Everything there is to know about God”?
How can I ever hope
to know the heights,
the depths, the width,
the dimensions of You, Lord,
when I can’t even comprehend
one tiny universe
of many that You have made?
You are beyond me, Lord,
in Your vastness,
Yet You are within me
in Your tinyness.
From the hugestness I can imagine
to the tiniest, microscopicness
I can imagine,
Lord You are there.
I am speechless before You.
5th August 1986
Picture found with Google images
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